Larry Koliha

Standing Work

Larry Koliha

Table Work

Larry Koliha


What is Rolfing?

Rolfing Structural Integration® is a form of bodywork that strives to improve the body's posture and overall alignment. Commonly used by professional athletes and dancers, people from all walks of life turn to Rolfing to increase comfort, ease pain, rehabilitate injuries, and improve performance in their professional and daily activities.

Rolfing is classified as "Structural Integration Bodywork" rather than "Massage" because, unlike most forms of massage, Rolfing requires that the practitioner and the client work together to generate change in the body. In addition to being collaborative, Rolfing takes a unique approach to creating lasting results. Rather than focusing on specific symptoms, Rolfing focuses on balancing the body as a whole by combining physical bodywork with movement education. The combination of these approaches makes it possible to start immediately improving pain and discomfort, while teaching clients how to maintain the long-term benefits of the work.

How Rolfing is done

Rolfing practitioners generally use fingers, hands or elbows to isolate the fascia (connective tissue) surrounding a muscle. They then work with the client to make synchronized movements intended to stretch and release areas of constriction. Though Rolfing is commonly referred to as deep-tissue bodywork, the techniques actually use a range of pressure from deep to extremely light. When deep work is required, Rolfers use a variety of methods and positions to ensure that discomfort is minimal. This combination of varying applied pressures and synchronized responses frees and repositions the muscles fascia, which gradually leads to realignment in the body's segments.

The ten sessions of Rolfing

A basic Rolfing series consists of ten sessions spaced from a week to three weeks apart and lasting 60-75 minutes. During an initial consultation, the Rolfer conducts an evaluation of the client's unique structural needs, postural alignment and movement. Each of the sessions that follow are customized to address the client's specific needs.

Rolfing sessions usually take place with the client lying on a massage table. This positioning allows the Rolfer to effectively control the amount of pressure used to release the fascial restrictions in the client's structure. On occasion, clients may receive work in a seated position, standing, or even in positions common to their daily activities (like yoga postures or holding an instrument).

The Ten Series of Rolfing follows a basic structure; however, goals are set at the beginning of each Rolfing session, and specific focus areas of the body are determined.

  • The first three sessions are designed to open the superficial or outer layers of the body
  • Sessions four through seven refine deeper physical structures that effect balance and posture
  • Sessions eight through ten organize and align the body as a whole

  • Each Rolfing session builds upon the results of the previous one, so changes are cumulative. Clients report a wide range of results - from greater ease in sitting and standing to significantly increased mobility and energy.

    The Post sessions of Rolfing or Rolf Movement sessions.

    A basic Rolfing Ten Series teaches clients a great deal about their bodies, thier physical habits and their new wellness goals. Those that would like to continue to improve their structural alignment or movement knowledge may do so in Post Sessions or Rolf Movement Sessions. Post sessions can focus on any remaining structures that require additional work, while Rolf Movement sessions focus on teaching clients how to maintain and respond to the new movement their body has found through structural integration. All of these sessions look at the individual needs of the client, and usually occur in a three or five session format that helps the client reach their new goals. These sessions are generally requested by client’s who have experienced a severe injury in the past, or are active professional athletes with complicated structural and movement challenges. However, they may also be adapted for the overstressed client that needs periodical maintenance.

    Optional session work.

    At times people have special needs outside of the ten series of Rolfing. Some clients may need more sessions, other less. I will work with you to accomplish any of the goals that you may have to help your body out.